blog N°1 - Politics

Hello everyone, my name is Nicolás Gajardo and, in this blog, I’m going to tell you how my politics vission has change throughout my life.

Since I was a little, politics seems interesting to me. I really don’t know why, because, in general, politics isn’t an issue in my family. My nearest relation with politics started at school. In the school that I was, the students always was participating in protests and strikes, and that makes me participate in movilizations and inform me about the topics that was discussed in the student´s reunions. In this context, my politics relationships was more action than reflection, and it kepts like that since I finished my school studies. Then, with me in the university, my vission changed a little, there was a kind of disenchantment with the form that politics was made into the unversity: I went from seeing politics in a tranversal way, to see a game of little political parties fighting for the student’s center from different faculties. However, I still share throughout my life the conviction that politics doesn’t have to limitate itself to the political parties (which I consider unnecesary) and the elections. For me, politics is in the discussion between pairs and the action that borns from that.

Thanks for your attention, I’ll be waiting for your comments!


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