Blog N°4 - Education

 Hello everyone! 😀

In this post I will talk to you about mi experience at school, specifically about my stage in high school. I chose this stage of my life beacuse I think is more interesting that my stage in university. 

Throughout my life I studied at leaest in six schools, in that time my family had a very bad economic situation so we moved frequently. When my family had a relative stable economic situation I started to going to a high school called "Liceo polivalente Arturo Alessandri Palma", this high school was only for man in that time (now are women too), and was a school with all kind of boys, from outstanding students to criminals and drug dealers. That school has the label of being considered like the school where the boys expelled from emblematic high schools were, however the teachers are good and understood that most of their studets came from vulnerable families. 

In my time through that high school, I realized the inequality that exist in education and in society. I remember had classmates who didn't have hot water in their home and took showers at school, however, many teachers worried about these situations and helped their students. That kind of things convinced me that it is necessary to guarantee education as a right to restore dignity to public education. For me, the education is the fundamental pillar to guaranteed a just society. 

Thank you for reading, tell me what you think about public education in Chile! 👀


  1. I think that one of the things that I have seen in the University of Chile is that all or the vast majority of us have come from schools where there is great social injustice and that the opportunities were not really for everyone. it is our job to ensure that this does not continue to happen in the future


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