Blog N°3 - Religion

 Hello everyone! in this blog I will talk to you about my opinion of religion.

In general I don't have any relation with relegion. In my family my mother considers herself catholic, but no one else does, we are like the classic Chilean family that only remembers God, something serious happens jajajaja... Regarding my opinion, I believe that religion is something complex, because it caused a lot of wars and conflicts along the history (for example the actual conflict between Israel and Palestine), however it's a phenomenom that unites a lot of people around the world. But in spite of everything I don't trust in religion, I think faith (something common in all religion) is something that can be experienced without any religion... for me faith it´s related with the personal growth of each one, but despite my beliefs I respect all religious beliefs. 

Finally, I believe that the important thing in any conversation about religion is the respect of all the parts involved in order to reach agreements on the different issues that religion involves. 

Thank you for reading this blog!


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