
Blog 5 - Free topic

Hello everyone I hope your having a great weekend! In today's blog, I will talk to you about my favorite place in the world.  This place is called Coñaripe, it's a small town located in the eleventh region of Chile. I have spent a large part of my life in this place because my mother lives there, in fact last year I spent the entire quarantine there and the truth is that it made me much less stressful than here in Santiago. This town it is surrounded by a great diversity of tourist attractions and a lot of nature, among them Lake Calafquen and Pellaifa, the Villarica volcano, many hot springs such as the famous "Termas Geometricas" and the Villarrica National Park to mention the most striking of this place. However, there are also many places that are not so well known and that are truly beautiful, my favorite of all is the "blue lagoon" located at the top of the Quetrupillán volcano, to get there you have to take a walk through the Villlarica national park,

Blog N°4 - Education

 Hello everyone! 😀 In this post I will talk to you about mi experience at school, specifically about my stage in high school. I chose this stage of my life beacuse I think is more interesting that my stage in university.  Throughout my life I studied at leaest in six schools, in that time my family had a very bad economic situation so we moved frequently. When my family had a relative stable economic situation I started to going to a high school called "Liceo polivalente Arturo Alessandri Palma", this high school was only for man in that time (now are women too), and was a school with all kind of boys, from outstanding students to criminals and drug dealers. That school has the label of being considered like the school where the boys expelled from emblematic high schools were, however the teachers are good and understood that most of their studets came from vulnerable families.  In my time through that high school, I realized the inequality that exist in education and in soc

Blog N°3 - Religion

 Hello everyone! in this blog I will talk to you about my opinion of religion. In general I don't have any relation with relegion. In my family my mother considers herself catholic, but no one else does, we are like the classic Chilean family that only remembers God, something serious happens jajajaja... Regarding my opinion, I believe that religion is something complex, because it caused a lot of wars and conflicts along the history (for example the actual conflict between Israel and Palestine), however it's a phenomenom that unites a lot of people around the world. But in spite of everything I don't trust in religion, I think faith (something common in all religion) is something that can be experienced without any religion... for me faith it´s related with the personal growth of each one, but despite my beliefs I respect all religious beliefs.  Finally, I believe that the important thing in any conversation about religion is the respect of all the parts involved in order

blog N°1 - Politics

Hello everyone, my name is Nicolás Gajardo and, in this blog, I’m going to tell you how my politics vission has change throughout my life. Since I was a little, politics seems interesting to me. I really don’t know why, because, in general, politics isn’t an issue in my family. My nearest relation with politics started at school. In the school that I was, the students always was participating in protests and strikes, and that makes me participate in movilizations and inform me about the topics that was discussed in the student´s reunions. In this context, my politics relationships was more action than reflection, and it kepts like that since I finished my school studies. Then, with me in the university, my vission changed a little, there was a kind of disenchantment with the form that politics was made into the unversity: I went from seeing politics in a tranversal way, to see a game of little political parties fighting for the student’s center from different faculties. However, I stil